Idea and Matter
In the ideal state, the artist acts like a medium between idea and matter, beyond time and space, entirely concentrated on form, line, surface.
Sculpting is a slow process – it is delicate to define the moment of completion of a scupture, a portrait. One stays at it until it cannot be made any better, or shortly before – when it is coherent in itself. It is essential to recognize that moment.
Every lived moment, every thought and feeling, flow into this continuous process. What is being created in the studio, is a result of this experience as well as a part of it.
more info about working process
If clay, wax, plaster or bronze – my hands are busy treating different materials all the time…they model, shape, scrape, grind incessantly. Something new emerges, something old reawakens to new life – each piece is created individually by hand and brought to completion with devotion. The same piece, with a differing patina, gains its own individual radiance.